On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 3:58 PM, Ashish Shukla आशीष शुक्ल
> Hash: SHA1

> I think this will be insecure, unless you're using XAUTH and other form
> of ACLs provided by X, and X11 Forwarding via OpenSSH is the recommended
> way to do this in my opinion, where you don't need such ugly hacks :D
> . For more information, RTFM ssh(1).
ssh? I am not using ssh. The box I am logging onto is via rsh.  For
ssh its simple, no DISPLAY nonsense, just do ssh -X and it works
> And what if you're logged-in at :1 and want to work at :0, hmm...?
Nope, I don't want to do that.
All I want is this
Suppose I do a startx -- :1 on alpha
My X server starts
I open xterm and do a rsh -l username beta
When I login on beta, my display should be automatically set to alpha:1
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