On Wed, Jan 30, 2013 at 7:55 PM, Arun Khan <knu...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Greetings,
> gnuNify  2013 @ Pune is an annual FOSS event organized by the Pune LUG
> and SICSR (Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research)
> This year's event will run from 15/Feb/2013 to 17/Feb/2013 (Fri - Sun).
> The CFP (call for paper) is open.
> The agenda for the three days are as follows:
> Friday 15/Feb/2013
> All day OpenStack miniconf
> Saturday 16/Feb/2013
> General Cloud Computing
> Sys Admin tracks/workshops.
> Sunday 17/Feb/2013
> Mozilla Hackathon
> Wikipedia Language Summit.
> Alongside, there will be talks and workshops on other topics.
> If you have an interesting / compelling talk/workshop to share, please
> visit the site, register yourself and submit your CFP.
> For details please visit the gnuNify website <http://www.gnunify.in>
> For more info on track / events <http://www.gnunify.in/2013/events>
> Speakers from out of Greater Pune area -- boarding and lodging will be
> provided.   Travel -- your home town <> Pune is reimbursable (up to
> Rs. 5000).
> Any specific query not answered on the web site or the FAQ.  Please
> use the Contact form <http://www.gnunify.in/contact>.  Please do not
> post query to this mailing list and/or send personal emails.
> Hope to see many of you at the event.
> PS - please forward this to other LUGs in your area.
> Thanks and regards,
> -- Arun Khan
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