
Replying now since the thread has been revived.

On Wed, Apr 17, 2013 at 1:37 PM, Supreet Sethi <supreet.se...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Secondly: When bitcoin infrastructure was started Satoshi or some
> (one/people) pretending to be Satoshi, he started mining coins himself. At
> the time, the yield was much better than it is now. Which means Satoshi may
> have millions of coins which leads to asymmetry of "money".

Satoshi could not have been secretly mining before making the bitcoin client
public, because the protocol/network is such that you can't secretly mine
The first bitcoins were generated 7 days before the client was made public;
at which point anyone could mine bitcoins.

> Thirdly:  Most transactions in bitcoin are connected to Mt. Gox someway or
> the other. Which is about 90% of transactions or more. For a transaction to
> be truly decentralized transactions should be routed through multiple
> gateways. Somehow none other exists. It would like you can develop code in
> opensource but it can only be hosted at github.

Afaik, MtGox is just a exchange, it doesn't have anything to do with
transactions or
mining bitcoins unless you need to convert bitcoins to/from other currency.

Tavish Naruka
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