hey sapan
you understood the question perfectly welll.  Just tha i am a lil'
igonrant on the issue... so could you send me the details on how you
went about doing the NAT thingie, cos i am tryin to do the same, and
havent reallly succeeded.

lookin forward to you reply

regards prateek
Sapan Bhatia wrote:

> The way I used to 'get past this' was by making my authentic
> linux box (the one whose mac address my ISP had in his database)
> running
> as a NAT for a windows machine + a laptop which I'd plug in every now
> and then. Naturally, I had to run the 24online client only on the
> linux
> box.
> Of course, it means that the bandwidth allocated to the Linux box
> would
> then be divided between all the other machines going through it, and
> that it'd need to be switched on most of the time...
> Or did I misunderstand your question?
>         Sapan

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