about x config i can suggest the following.

u should configure ur display in low resolution and in low bits and then try to increase step by step. sometimes i also have encountered that even if probing results in success, then also the linux is not able to start properly in x mode (when the resolution was very high). is ur monitor properly recognized ?? if not (there is very little of chance of that) then try to match the closest frequency and try to alter with the modes available. you can also change someother instead of enlightment (though i suspect it will solve the problem).

all the best

have a nice day
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I am having a strange problem with RH 7.2 I just

1) I configured X through XConfigurator and it works
fine - works fine, as long as system is up. After
booting, Xconfiguration is gone !! Once configured, I
am able to shut/restart X. Looks strange. I am using

2) Oh, the telnet and ftp are going down if the system
goes in power save mode too.

3) One more thing, I have to restart the telnet
service once system is up- Yes, I configured to make
them up at the time of boot. I used setup.

Yeah I know I can reinstall the whole stuff but I am
kinda curious about whats wrong. I want a stable
system before I delete all /etc, /dev and try to boot
!! :-)

Any clues ? Anybody ?


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