> This is another call to Nishikant and the rest of the webmasters. I
> wanted to know how one can add modules to the site. Some months back,
> Nishikant mentioned that he has designed the site in such a way that
> new modules can be added easily using the dlug.cgi interface.
> 1. How can add a module in this interface?

Well, I have to admit I have been running a bit behind schedule but I hope to to be 
done with the first pass at the code in another 2-3 weeks. I would also like to come 
up with a short tutorial as to how you can add a module. 

> 2. Suppose I want to develop a module at home with your interface, how
>    do I get a staging environment in place?

You will need to download the source for entire ILUG-D site and host it locally on 
your box, along with all the necessary Perl modules. Again, the first tarball should 
be ready in 2-3 weeks and I'll let you know once it is done.

> 3. How does one add another theme to the site?

Not implemented yet. I do use CSS but not efficiently enough...ideas, suggestions 

> 4. Is there any plan to get the rest of the site backend code
>    available for public in the true spirit of open source? ;)

The source is indeed open in its true spirits. Making it available is what needs to be 
done. Mithun suggested putting it on CVS server but I guess, I am going to need some 
help in having that set up.


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