> Hi there,
> Now, the problem is that should I install the linux again or is there
> any other way by which I can create a bootable floppy (may be from linux
> installation CDs, no idea !!) thereby enabling me to boot linux from it.
> Having any idea about 'Rescue Mode' ..... pl.guide ? Any help from
> ILUGD would be appreciable.

in mandrake it is quite simple, boot with the CD, press F1, and it'll
display a few options. type "rescue" (without quotes) at the prompt, and
press ENTER. it'll automatically detect and mount all the partitions,
and give you a prompt to enter your commands. you can then either create
a boot disk (no idea about what is the command for making a boot disk),
or you can load lilo into the mbr. as compared to redhat, mandrake's
lilo boot loader is aesthetically very good, so while booting, it should
not hurt your eyes ;)

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| vivek                | GPG Key:                |
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