> You forgot mandatory pizza breaks, swapping of essential manly jokes,
> bashing M$ whenever context permits(or doesn't), collective wondering
> of whether ILUGD is still a society or not, redhat bashing, debian
> worshipping, CD swapping (phew), listening through Raj's jokes,
> grumbling/chanting about Gnooism of Linux, hmm.. i gotta sleep now.
> - Sandip

yeah righ! that by someone who *missed* the previous ilug-d and was spotted 
by some eagle eyes sipping a soda at some nirula's instead....!

hope some of you guys have written strongly worded letters to hindustantimes 
for spreading some f.u.d on "linux" this monday, on how linux is kinda doomed 
for the SCO suit against IBM and other blah blah.


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