Il giorno 24/11/13 13.38, "N. Shani" ha scritto:

> Need your collective wisdom to identify what is causing the above to slow
> down.
> The particulars are:
> - late 2006 17" model 5,1
> - OS is 10.6.8, with current updates

Apart from Jim's excellent troubleshoot guide, the only things that comes
off the top of my mind, is possibly some peripheral error (especially USB):
sometimes peripherals act weirdly, this create troubles to the system, but
you don't get any hint.
Thus, try booting your iMac after having disconnected any peripherals - save
for mouse and keyboard, and connect them directly to the USB ports (no USB
hub) - then check if anything has changed.
(BTW, are your mouse and kb the original Apple ones?)

Although unlikely, another cause might be overheating due to dust
accumulation inside the iMac. You could download and test internal temps
with Temperature Monitor (free):

If you see excessive temps, you could use something like smcFanControl:
to run the fans at their maximum speed, hence moving out (some) dust.


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