Gautham Narayan wrote:

I'm having trouble understanding the behaviour of Image.crop (PIL
1.1.6 w/ python 2.5.1) when the bbox is outside the limits of the
image. So something like,
b = a.crop(x1,y1,x2,y2)
with x1 and y1 < 0 say.

Sometimes I get a purely black border (which is good), sometimes I get
the image edges and patterns that are not in the image beyond. Is
there some way I can specify a crop that is off the image in at least
one coordinate and consistently have the region that is off the image
padded with 0s? Otherwise is there another alternative to checking if
the bbox is off the image and setting the remaining values to zero?

I think the clamping in the 'crop' method messes up in some cases; to get more reliable behaviour, you might want to try the transform(EXTENT)
method instead.


Image-SIG maillist  -

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