2010/1/26 Веселин <m...@vpetkov.com>:
> I want to display captured frames from a webcam. I am using
> video4linux2, v4l2 bindings for python and ctypes.
> I am also using Tk. In the main loop of my v4l2 app, after Q_BUF,
> STREAM_ON, DQ_BUF I call method that looks something like that:
> window = Tkinter.Tk()
> image = ImageTk.PhotoImage(pixelfmt, (320, 240))
> label = Tkinter.Label(window, image=image)
> label.pack()
> im = Image.frombuffer(pixelfmt, (320, 240),
> ctypes.string_at(buf.userptr, buf.length), 'raw', pixelfmt, 0, 1)
> image.paste(im)
> window.update()
> Now, how is buf.userptr supposed to look like? A ctypes.c_void_p?
> In my case buf.userptr is long. Something like 170692608.
> I don't know how addresses in python should look like.

Did you figure this out?  I think this is more of a ctypes question
than a PIL question, so you might want to repost this to a more
general Python forum, such as python-list at python.org (but feel free
to follow up here with the solution if you have it).

Cheers /F
Image-SIG maillist  -  Image-SIG@python.org

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