Mark Twenhafel wrote:
Try adding

   print Image.core.__file__

to your script and make sure that the output is what you expect.

what was the result of that?

At this point, my working hypothesis is that I did not install libjpeg correctly. I'm working on OS X Tiger. What I did was download "jpegsrc.v8a.tar.gz"; double-click in my download window in Firefox to untar; move the untarred "jpeg-8" folder to /Application; open Terminal and cd'ed to /Applications/jpeg-8; finally, I ran "./configure", "make", and "make install". It could be--and I don't know--that this install procedure did not correctly add libjpeg to my Python 2.6 installation

no it wouldn't have done that.

or that I need to rebuild site-packages/PIL/ in order to link-in libjpeg.

indeed you do.

Belated point of clarification: I subsequently installed PIL using the these instructions:
        $ cd Imaging-1.1.7
        $ python build_ext -i
        $ python

that should have built a new PIL, but it won't have installed it.

Did the selftest run OK?

I just noticed that the file "site-packages/PIL/" was created last October.

which is why you are getting an old one here.

If so, would be be possible or likely that this was built using the version of libjpeg that didn't install on my machine?


If this is correct, what is the best way to proceed? My first inclination is to delete the directory site-packages/PIL and reinstall.

yup -- you may not even need to delete, but it won't hurt.

Take a look for a new that you should have just built. If you really want to know what it's linked to, try:

$ otool -L

But you might just do: install

and see if it now works.

We really do need to get a Mac binary built!


Christopher Barker, Ph.D.

Emergency Response Division
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