Hi Kenneth,

I converted your test code to JavaScript, fixed problems with missing variable 
declarations and ran the script successfully on macOS, Linux and Windows, on my 
MacBook Air.


  IJ.log("building dialog");
  gd = new NonBlockingGenericDialog("User Paraameters");
  IJ.log("created  gd");
  caseID = "noCaseID";
  gd.addStringField("Case ID:",caseID);
  IJ.log("added Case ID:  "+caseID);
  markerRoiRadius = 10;
  gd.addNumericField("Marker Radius(pixels):", markerRoiRadius,0);
  IJ.log("added Marker Radius");
  dialogX = 0;
  dialogY = 0;
  IJ.log("setLocation "+dialogX+"   "+dialogY);
  IJ.log("gd.wasCanceled()  =" + gd.wasCanceled());
  IJ.log("getting  caseID");
  caseID = gd.getNextString();
  IJ.log("caseID = "+caseID);
  markerRoiRadius = gd.getNextNumber();
  IJ.log("markerRoiRadius = "+markerRoiRadius);

> On Nov 14, 2024, at 3:43 PM, Kenneth Sloan <kennethrsl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a plugin which has been working for 6 months.
> Today, I got a report that it failed, on both Windows and Mac machines.
> I asked for the input, and tried to replicate the problem.  Its works just 
> fine on my MacBook Pro.
> All machines have been updated to the latest FIJI release.
> I added some logging, so the relevant code looks like this:
>       // get user-specified parameters
>       IJ.log("building dialog");
>       NonBlockingGenericDialog gdParms = new          
> NonBlockingGenericDialog("User Paraameters");
>       IJ.log("created  gdParms");
>       String caseID = "noCaseID";
>       gdParms.addStringField("Case ID:",caseID);
>       IJ.log("added Case ID:  "+caseID);
>       gdParms.addNumericField(“Marker Radius(pixels):”,                       
> markerRoiRadius,0);
>       IJ.log("added Marker Radius");
>       gdParms.setLocation(dialogX,dialogY);
>       IJ.log("setLocation "+dialogX+"   "+dialogY);
>       gdParms.showDialog();
>       IJ.log("gdParms.wasCanceled()  =" + gdParms.wasCanceled());
>       if(gdParms.wasCanceled()) return;
>       IJ.log("getting  caseID");
>       caseID = gdParms.getNextString();
>       IJ.log("caseID = "+caseID);
>       markerRoiRadius = (int)gdParms.getNextNumber();
>       IJ.log("markerRoiRadius = "+markerRoiRadius);
> The Log window ends with the line: 
>       SetLocation  0     0
> So… the statement:
>       gdParms.showDialog();
> Appears to have been executed, but nothing appears on the screen, and the 
> program stalls.
> There is no relevant output in the Console window.
> We have rebooted, updated FIJI, all to no avail.
> It fails on 3 machines (2 Windows and one Mac) in a research lab in a medical 
> center, but works perfectly on my MacBook Pro, at home.
> The initial report claims that they were using the plugin on a series of 
> cases.
> It worked on a bunch of cases, and then failed on the next (and has failed at 
> their location every time since).  Ss so…no FIJI update or OS update between 
> the last success and the first failure.
> I’m baffled.   Any ideas?
> Finally, the user reports that when the plugin stalls, all other FIJI 
> functions work properly.  It’s as if “showDialog()” has either terminated the 
> plugin (without anything in the Log or Console window), or is waiting for an 
> input (but has not actually displayed the dialog box).  I asked them to hit 
> ESC, which had no effect.
> --
> Kenneth Sloan
> kennethrsl...@gmail.com
> Vision is the art of seeing what is invisible to others.
> --
> ImageJ mailing list: http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/list.html

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