Travis Rabe wrote:
I do this with my barracuda spam firewall.  I tried a while back to do this
with Imail natively and it was a mess.  My .02
I briefly toyed with something like what the OP is looking for. I had another server in front of Imail, running SpamAssassin. Changed the domain's MX records to point to the SpamAssassin box, Then, I had that other server rewrite the recipient envelope on incoming email, so that anything it thought was spam would be re-sent to, say, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]". Then I let Imail automatically put "spam" into a separate folder on the server. The problem I ran into was, at the time, I couldn't figure out how to get Imail to automatically clear out that spam folder, so everyone's mailboxes hit their quota in a couple days, because of all the spam.

Then I bought a Barracuda Spam Firewall and the problems all went away. :)

David Smith

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