We are very worried, we were the case with much regularity.

Saturate the server, which normally takes the spool folder of files between 100 and 150 in 1000 and 2000.
Mail are:
Received: from mediatopia.net [**] by mail.bme.es with ESMTP
(SMTPD-9.23) id A14303F0; Thu, 27 Nov 2008 15:40:03 +0100
From: Capital One </[EMAIL PROTECTED]/>
Subject: Official Notification About Online Services
Date: 27 Nov 2008 07:42:15 -0700
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

........ etc....Body

[EMAIL PROTECTED] -> this account or domain not exist on my server IMAIL. The solution is to stop sevicio and SMTP Queue. erase the spool file in the directory, or add the IP ** which makes us the spam to "Access Control (SMTP)" Allow all computers to communicate with this server except ", and Star services SMTP and Queue.

I think this can not continue. I am very concerned about this issue.

--- SMTP Settings-------------------------------------------

*SMTP Settings Version 9.23*

Mail Relay Setting:
Mail Relay Setting: No Mail Relay
Tries Before Return to Sender: 10
Max Tries for NULL Senders: 10 (X) Delete After Max Tries
Default Mail Domain or IP: mail.bme.es
Domain Name Server:

Save Logs To: Log Server
( ) Debug Messages
( ) Verbose Logging
Gateway Options
Remote Gateway Hostname: bme.es
Tries Before Send to Gateway: 0
() Send All Remote Mail Through Gateway
SSL Settings

( ) Enable SSL SSL Port:
( ) Enable TLS

Dictionary Attack Settings:

Max Invalid Recipients Per Session: 0
Soft Error Limits: 0
Hard Error Limit: 0
Minutes To Deny Access: 0
Error Delay Seconds: 0

Security Options:
Copy to Mail Address: ( ) Enable Copy All Mail
(x) Allow Remote Mail to Local Groups
(x) Allow Remote View of Local Groups
( ) Check Valid Sender
(x) Auto Deny Possible Hack Attempts
( ) Disable SMTP "VRFY" Command

Advanced Options
The Default Advanced Settings should be appropriate for most installations. Changing these settings, can negatively effect the operation of this server.

Max Recipients Per Message: 0 Min Threads: 2
Delay Between Recipients: 0 Max Threads: 60
Host Delimiters: @%*:$& Mailbox Delimiter: -
Max Connections: 1000
Port: 25
Hello Message : Saludos desde Mastercom
Outgoing Helo/Ehlo Host Name:
Delivery Application: D:\IMail\SMTP32.exe

(x) Enable Extra Port Extra Port:587 (x) Force AUTH on Extra Port

( )Disable SMTP AUTH
( )Enable SMTP to Listen on All IP

---------------END--- SMTP Settings-------------------------------------------

I hope your help

Departamento Técnico Mastercom
Tel/Fax: 902 52 50 05
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Departamento Técnico Mastercom
Tel/Fax: 902 52 50 05
Este mensaje electrónico contiene información de Mastercom© Meteoespaña, S.L.U. 
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Departamento Técnico Mastercom
Tel/Fax: 902 52 50 05
Este mensaje electrónico contiene información de Mastercom© Meteoespaña, S.L.U. 
con CIF: B-81168858 que es privada y confidencial, siendo para el uso exclusivo 
de la persona(s) entidad/es arriba mencionada/s. Si usted no es el destinatario 
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