Even better would be the ability to tell the user in a trailer in every
message, what address the e-mail is being sent to.

----- Original Message -----
From: Rubens Altimari <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 6:25 AM
Subject: Re: [IMail Forum] Open Private List

> >You know Don I think that may be a good idea...
> I wonder if one of the IPSWITCH guys could make up a trailer.txt for this
> list just a one liner with a hyperlink.  Any objections?
>     Speaking of trailers, there are two problems with this scheme:
> HTML posts won't get the header/trailer. Secondly, it's often not enough
> have an "unsubscribe" routine, if you don't know which account the e-mail
> has been posted to. I, for example, use 6 accounts regularly, and more
> 20 aliases. How should I know which one was subscribed? The "To" field
> contains, usually, the name of the list.
>     In other words, I have another request to Anthony's wish list: to be
> able to inform, in the confirmation e-mail sent to a new subscriber, the
> exact e-mail that was subscribed.
> Rubens

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