I figured such a thing would exist so how is it working for you?

through 16:00 today, total: rejects

   Client host rejected: ACL mta_clients_dict_classc (total: 7748)
         493   knockoutgames2.com
         269   a-ok5.com
         238   gnbconnect.com
         201   perilousdog.com
         194   kadradyn.com
         183   mailsvrbsm.net
         163   freeimagine.com

    Client host rejected: ACL mta_clients_dict_ip (total: 10312)
         214   abcdistributing.com
         212   godspeedhosting.com
         177   endogenter.com
         130   afk5.com
         126   freelotto.com

the domains listed are from the PTR names, but these were added after the IPs had gotten blacklisted for

1)no PTR and

2) sending us a large number of unknown reciips either
  a)per IP and/or
  b)many IPs per ClassC.


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