Where are you seeing this problem, in the web client or in any client? Tripp
From: imail_forum-ow...@list.ipswitch.com [mailto:imail_forum-ow...@list.ipswitch.com] On Behalf Of JF Walton Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 11:54 AM To: Imail_Forum@list.ipswitch.com Subject: Re: [IMail Forum] File Attachments Tripp, The Deny partial containers and Delete encrypted containers are checked. Block malformed containers is not checked. Premium AV w/ Scan Engine -----Original Message----- From: "Tripp Allen" <tal...@alpha.ipswitch.com> Sent 12/23/2008 11:40:30 AM To: Imail_Forum@list.ipswitch.com Subject: RE: [IMail Forum] File Attachments Any chance the attachment was stripped? Do you have Premium AV and is it set to block malformed containers? http://suppo <http://support.ipswitch.com/kb/IM-20060929-JH01.htm> rt.ipswitch.com/kb/IM-20060929-JH01.htm Tripp From: imail_forum-ow...@list.ipswitch.com [mailto:imail_forum-ow...@list.ipswitch.com] On Behalf Of JF Walton Sent: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:18 AM To: Imail_Forum@list.ipswitch.com Subject: [IMail Forum] File Attachments Since upgrading to v10.02 I am experiencing a problem receiving file attachments from different mail servers. Instead of the file being attached the code is added to the body of the message which is only viewable through looking at the header message code, not in the body of the message from a client. I spoke to Ipswitch support and they said it has something to do with Java but in looking at the header from a Yahoo Web Mail I do not see where Java is called. Is any one experiencing this since upgrading and do you have a work around? James< o:p> Here is the header and a portion of the message source. Received: from mx1.ndieng.com [] by imail.ndieng.com with ESMTP (SMTPD-10.02) id AFF002AC; Tue, 23 Dec 2008 07:56:16 -0500 Received: from web84001.mail.mud.yahoo.com (web84001.mail.mud.yahoo.com []) & nbsp; by mx1.ndieng.com (Postfix) with SMTP id 942163983F & nbsp; for <x...@ndieng.com>; Tue, 23 Dec 2008 07:53:13 -0500 (EST) Received: (qmail 10302 invoked by uid 60001); 23 Dec 2008 12:53:30 -0000 X-YMail-OSG: miDORD0VM1mhH2QE7KtO2YBJsCEOqbf_KnafrqxuZsATCohyc.upnwpRy2S8PbpEWc9Y2HWzG j3B0II.ntrRakx5tqBjX0rnEZ0CHIApZb4lQVFV7GPO0FANIS.stdezUxo4qN7YuoVKZcEzFq tPeGjF6LT5pT1LgBjBky.GcmtJ0A-- Received: from [] by web84001.mail.mud.yahoo.com via HTTP; Tue, 23 Dec 2008 04:53:30 PST X-Mailer: YahooMailRC/1155.45 YahooMailWebService/ Date: Tue, 23 Dec 2008 04:53:30 -0800 (PST) From: xxx <x...@verizon.net> Subject: Invite To: Barb Work <x...@ndieng.com> MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="0-1624552571-1230036810=:8672"< /font> Message-ID: <314307.8672...@web84001.mail.mud.yahoo.com> X-CTCH-RefID: str=0001.0A090202.4950DF4C.00EC,ss=2,fgs=0 --0-162455257 1-1230036810=:8672 Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="0-1224725566-1230036810=:8672"< /font> Status: X-UIDL: 500234655 X-IMail-Threa dID: dff0018a00001941 --0-122472556 6-1230036810=:8672 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii --0-122472556 6-1230036810=:8672 Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii <html>& lt;head><style type="text/css"><!-- DIV {margin:0px;} --></style></head><body><div style="font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif;font-size:10pt"><DIV><BR> </DI V> <DIV style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt; COLOR: #000000; FONT-FAMILY: arial, helvetica, sans-serif"> <DIV>&l t;/DIV></DIV></div></bo dy></html> --0-122472556 6-1230036810=:8672--< /font> --0-162455257 1-1230036810=:8672 Content-Type: application/msword; name=Phillies Content-Trans fer-Encoding: base64 Content-Dispo sition: attachment; filename="Phillies Invite.doc" 0M8R4KGxGuEAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPgADAP7/CQAGAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAB AAAAGgAAAAAAA AAAEAAAHAAAAAIAAAD+////AAAAABkAAAD/////// ////// ///////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// ////// ///////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// ////// ///////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// ////// ///////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// ////// ///////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// ////// ///////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// ////// ///////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// ////// ///////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// ////// ///////////// ///////////////////////////////////////// ////// < /span>