I have some questions that perhaps some of you can answer.

My hosting service, much to my regret, switched to IMail 5.0
several months ago. It has caused me incessant problems
(Hell) ever since....

Among them:

1) Half the time I'd try to access my mail server, it wouldn't
approve my password, and I'd get "authentication failure". I
believe that a patch has eliminated this, and I haven't seen
this error in a while.

2) If I go to the web-mailer and SEND a message, it
apparently arrives at the recipient's INBOX (if he/she is
using Win95) dated 12/31/69. If using WIN98, the
message seems to get correctly dated at the INBOX. Of
course, the users whose mail gets the 1969 date seldom
even know they got it, because it is dumped to the
bottom of their list. Ipswitch has something posted about
this error (perhaps a patch), but it doesn't help me. Frankly,
if their software is written to work correctly with Win98
only (or later), they screwed up!

3) As of the last couple of weeks, I cannot access my mail
server from Communicator. I get the Netscape error  "server
down or not available....try again later or contact your
network administrator". I can access the server via the web,
but would rather not.

Of course, the host tells me about all the problems dealing with
the Ipswitch software, and about patches that don't work....
and Ipswitch refuses to be of any help to me whatsoever, telling
me that they "bend over backwards and jump through hoops
to help their clients", and that I need to deal with my host. And
my host tells me that the Ipswitch support is severely lacking....
and what I've read in this forum seems to be further proof of that...

Bottom line is, as many of you know.... it's a royal pain to move
domains from one host to another, and that's a scenario I'd like to
avoid if possible.  On the other hand, I cannot even access my
mail server w/o going to the web, and that is intolerable.

Any hints or help would be greatly appreciated. Please send
E-mail, rather than answer here.

Thanks a bunch!


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