
I recently developed a similar mechanism to copy all mail from/to a specific
domain. You should be able to adapt it to your needs by changing the
H~searchstring:forwardfile part.

This question appeared several times on this list already. Perhaps IPSwitch
should enter a proper solution into the knowledge base?



How to copy all traffic of a specific mail domain to a mailbox

You are a mail provider, running the IMail Server

You are hosting the mail domain The administrator of wants to receive a copy of every mail which is sent to/from 
his mail domain. The mail address to receive the copies is

1. Create a new mailbox within your administration domain to
receive a copy of every mail which is sent trough your mail server.


2. In the mailbox directory of copybox, create two files:

File No.1: rules.ima
This file contains the rule to search the mail headers for
"" and forward them to the local mailbox file luckych.
The last rule deletes the mail. If you have more customers
who need this service, insert their rules above the last rule.

File No.2: luckych.fwd
As the final destination of the copied mail is not the local
mailbox file luckch, but the mail address [EMAIL PROTECTED],
we need to create a .fwd file, in our case luckych.fwd. If you
have more customers who need this service, you need to create
an additional .fwd file for each one. This file contains only
one line with the final destination address of the copied mails.


3. Set "Copy All Mail" to this mailbox. This is at
Control Panel | IMail Server | SMTP Security | Copy All Mail.
(In IMail 6.0 see IMail Administrator | localhost instead.)


Stop and Start SMTP Service to activate the change.
This account will receive a copy of every mail which is sent.

4. You need to monitor the user mailbox size of the account
that receives the copied mails (or set its Maximum Mailbox
Size). Tell your customer to empty this mailbox regularly.

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Gesendet am: Freitag, 5. Mai 2000 19:06
Betreff: [IMail Forum] Get copy of all mail rcvd and sent by one user...

One of our clients asked today whether he could get a copy of all mail
rcvd and sent by one particular user. I know you can set up IMail to
copy ALL inbound and outbound mail to a box, but can you specify just
one user?

hth,     õ¿õ¬
ron       ~
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