Hello Craig,


Yes you can compile this with VC6.  Open the project up and look for
the SELECT statements replace the userid and password with your new
fields.  Not guaranteed to work but worth a shot.

In the log you have attached look do a search for "SELECT".  This will
tell you where the problem resides.  This log below tells me nothing.


Friday, December 08, 2000, 12:01:38 PM, you wrote:

CG> I am actually using a variant ODBCUSER.DLL from an earlier version 6.02
CG> because one of the directors recompiled it. Where can I get the new verion
CG> of the ODBCUSER.DLL to recompile? Also can I compile it using MS Visual C++
CG> ver 6 (I can't seem to get it to compile anything but an exe)? Also what do
CG> I have to search and replace? Anything that matches PASSWORD and USERID?
CG> (matches exactly?) Also, I have done tracing but I have no clue what the
CG> file means, could you help? Here is a clip of the end of the file:

CG> X: X:\ib6\SQLSetEnvAttr.c 108 383
CG> E: X:\ib6\SQLAllocHandle.c 376
CG> X: X:\ib6\SQLAllocHandle.c 380 1899
CG> X:\ib6\SQLGetInfo.c 72 77
CG> X: X:\ib6\SQLGetInfo.c 1430 2463
CG> E: X:\ib6\SQLDriverConnect.c 77
CG> T X:\ib6\SQLDriverConnect.c 94
CG> DSN=deleted;UID=deleted;PWD=deleted;DB=
CG> h.gdb; 1
CG> T X:\ib6\SQLDriverConnect.c 48
CG> T X:\ib6\SQLDriverConnect.c 48
CG> T X:\ib6\SQLDriverConnect.c 48
CG> T X:\ib6\SQLDriverConnect.c 48
CG> T X:\ib6\SQLDriverConnect.c 48
CG> T X:\ib6\SQLDriverConnect.c 48

CG> And a file SQL.LOG:

CG> IAdmin          450-538 ENTER SQLAllocEnv
CG>                 HENV *              01040F20

CG> IAdmin          450-538 EXIT  SQLAllocEnv  with return code 0 (SQL_SUCCESS)
CG>                 HENV *              0x01040F20 ( 0x00f314f0)

CG> IAdmin          450-538 ENTER SQLAllocConnect
CG>                 HENV                00F314F0
CG>                 HDBC *              01040F24

CG> IAdmin          450-538 EXIT  SQLAllocConnect  with return code 0
CG>                 HENV                00F314F0
CG>                 HDBC *              0x01040F24 ( 0x00f31598)

CG> IAdmin          450-538 ENTER SQLDriverConnectW
CG>                 HDBC                00F31598
CG>                 HWND                00000000
CG>                 WCHAR *             0x1F7D8B70 [      -3] "******\ 0"
CG>                 SWORD                       -3
CG>                 WCHAR *             0x1F7D8B70
CG>                 SWORD                        8
CG>                 SWORD *             0x00000000
CG>                 UWORD                        1 <SQL_DRIVER_COMPLETE>

CG> Craig.
CG> -----Original Message-----
CG> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Joseph Mann
CG> Sent: Friday, December 08, 2000 11:35 AM
CG> Subject: Re: [IMail Forum] ODBCUSER.DLL

CG> Hello Craig,

CG> There was a new dll that shipped with 6.05.
CG> Where did you replace the USERID and PASSWORD in the dll.  What it
CG> sounds like is that during table validation it is failing cause it
CG> looks to see if all of the appropriate fields are there.  Unless you
CG> also replaced that code it will continue to look for those fields.  Do
CG> a SQL Trace from the ODBC manager and I bet you that is what's
CG> happening.

CG> -Joe

CG> Friday, December 08, 2000, 10:11:54 AM, you wrote:

CG>> Hey guys,

CG>> I am trying to use an external database with IMAIL. I am using Interbase
CG> 6.0
CG>> for Windows. If I use the database with Imail 6.02, it works. If I
CG> upgrade
CG>> to 6.05 it stops working. Can someone help me please? I am using my a
CG>> slightly changed ODBCUSER.DLL file, replacing USERNAME and PASSWORD with

CG>> Help!

CG>> Craig

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