Eric, thanks for your help!

as a matter of fact, I found
HKLM\Software\Ipswitch\IMail\Global\ScanInstalled set to 0.

now I need to restart the services to have the server running.

this is what I wrote in the scheduled batch file:

@echo off
echo ------------------------------ >> C:\SYMCScan\CSLIVE.LOG
echo Run date >> C:\SYMCScan\CSLIVE.LOG
date /t >> C:\SYMCScan\CSLIVE.LOG
echo at >> C:\SYMCScan\CSLIVE.LOG
time /t >> C:\SYMCScan\CSLIVE.LOG
cmd /c C:\SYMCScan\cslive.exe /silent >> C:\SYMCScan\CSLIVE.LOG
@echo run complete. >> C:\SYMCScan\CSLIVE.LOG

anyway I could not understand the reason for which the registry key was set
to 0... nobody has ever changed this value, I'm quite sure..

my question is, do you think this can happen again? maybe liveupdate changed
this value? ..mmm... I hope it didn't..


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Eric Shanbrom
Sent: giovedì 30 maggio 2002 14.20
Subject: Re: [IMail Forum] missing IMAIL AV...


First, make sure you still have a SYMCSCAN directory on the drive where your
operating system is installed and that it is populated. Next in your Control
Panel>Services applet make sure you still have the Symantec CarrierScan
Services installed (both of them) and they are running. To check this telnet
to the IP address on the port (default is 7777) you have configured in the
symcscan.cfg file. You should get:

220 Symantec CarrierScan Service ready.

If all of this is correct you need to turn the IMail AV on in the registry

HKLM\Software\Ipswitch\IMail\Global\ScanInstalled set to 1

This should get you back. Also send me the batch file you set up so I can
see it before running it again

Eric S

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, May 30, 2002 7:24 AM
Subject: [IMail Forum] missing IMAIL AV...

> Hi folks,
> we use Imail 7.06 on a Win NT4.0+sp6a with Imail Anti-Virus v 1.01
> the system has worked properly until we tryied to run the liveupdate
> and we added a scheduled action (cslive.exe /silent) in order to automate
> the update.
> now the liveupdate program and related icons in the control panel has
> changed and we can't see anymore "Anti-Virus" tabs in the Imail
> Administrator interface.
> I run through the logfiles in order to find any kind of details such as
> "Antivirus Scanner Initialization" or a simple virus detection but I
> couldn't find nothing at all.
> It seems like if the Carrierscan is not running anymore...
> where do I find the administrative panel now? does anybody of you know
> what's going on in our mail system?
> any help will be appreciated,
> Thanks in advance,
> Marco Argentieri

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