possible gateway issue on the LAN
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 3:06 PM
To: IMail Forum
Subject: [IMail Forum] Cannot Ping (or) Telnet from network to Mailserver?

  Hello All;
This just happened today. For some reason, I am unable to
Ping (or) Telnet my Mail Server from within my own network.
If I do a ping . It comes back saying:
Bad IP address mail.carrz-fox-fire.com.
If I Telnet I get this back.
Connect Failed! : Host Name: mail.carrz-fox-fire.com.
BUT, I have a machine that I take of the network, to connect thru a dialup to the internet, and I am able to Ping & Telnet, My mail server with it, And send and receive mail with it as well.
  What do you think that could possibly cause this issue.??
I am able to browse the network, and am able to go out to the internet. But, Since the mail server started doing to
"Stack Connect Failed" .. And I was able to fix it, It seemed that it took out my network for being able to communicate with it??
  Any suggestions???
I have experienced some wild happenings in my network before. But have never experiences anything like this before??

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