You can identify the forwards by looking for a forward.ima file in each user 
directory. Below is a batch file that will create a file containing the forwards that 
are currently set.
You will need to set the right directory locations for your users and where you want 
the  forward.log file written.
GFPSAdmin is my directory under the Imail directory for administrative stuff


------------------------ begin
@echo off

echo This batch looks for the file named forward.ima in each users 
echo directory. It can be used to determine the accounts that have a
echo forward setup. It writes out a file of userids (folders) that have
echo the forward.ima file set. Resulting file is named forwards.log
echo I currenly have it writing out the new forward.ima entry for the
echo .
rem pause
cd \imail
del GFPSAdmin\forwards.log
rem building userlist based on directory only
dir /B /AD users>GFPSAdmin\dirlist.txt

echo Please wait searching directories ...

rem This for loop loops through the dirlist.txt file looking for the filename
rem forward.ima in each folder in the file.  If it finds it, it writes the
rem folder(userid) to the forwards.log file.
rem Note that this command must all be on one single line:

FOR /F "eol= tokens=1,* delims=/" %%i in (GFPSAdmin\dirlist.txt) do if
exist .\users\%%i\forward.ima  echo %%i>>GFPSAdmin\forwards.log

rem echo Check file GFPSAdmin\forwards.log for details.
rem echo.

On Wednesday, January 28, 2004 9:10 AM, Marc A. Funaro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I checked the manual and the online KB, but can't find my
>We have found that several clients are forwarding incoming mail
>on our server, i.e. [EMAIL PROTECTED] to their AOL or other
>ISP accounts.  This is causing our server to do unnecessary
>work, especially with those users that receive a lot of SPAM...
>spam comes in, and immediately goes back out to another
>address.  It's also cluttering the log files, and could make us
>look "not so good"
>We plan to implement a change in policy, stating that we will
>no longer permit forwarding of incoming mail to a users account
>to a destination off the server.  However, I don't know how to
>put "teeth" on this policy... is there a way to set iMail to
>not allow forwarding from mailboxes?  And, is there any way to
>get an easy list of all the POP accounts that have forwarding
>Thanks in advance,
> Advantex LLC 
>Technical Consulting Services 
>Marc Funaro, President
>Macromedia Certified
>Advanced ColdFusion
>5.0 Developer5547 State Highway 12
>Norwich, NY 13815
>VOX: 607-336-6895
>FAX: 801-383-4864
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