DC> It must really be the end of the world (and the known universe for that
DC> matter) if you're able to directly observe purple (Magenta).  In fact,
DC> must be in the midst of the biggest fireball since a few seconds after
DC> Big Bang... amazing that you were actually able to get this email off...

PM> I think it's a lot like being caught in the event horizon of a super
PM> massive black hole. I'm actually gone forever, but you observe me,
PM> ever so slowly, sending these messages - which are merely random
PM> streams of electrical impulses anyway. You only interpret them as a
PM> real messages because they don't radically conflict with your
PM> expectations of reality and so they can be integrated with your mental
PM> frame.

Hmmm...interesting...virtual message/anti-message pairs, with one of the
pair being captured in the black hole.  Wonder if there's a white hole on
the other end somewhere spewing out the counterpart....


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