Hi Dave -

This is not a bug.  Rather, you have misunderstood some important points.

There are three issues with your sample program.

[1] You SHOULD include c-client.h, and not mail.h directly. mail.h has most, but not all, of the consumer API definitions and prototypes.

[2] You MUST (repeat, MUST!!) include linkage.c at the start of your main() function instead of calling mail_link() directly.

[3] A prototype stream is not something that can be given to mail_close_full().

Without knowing why you are opening a prototype stream, it appears to me that you do not understand what a prototype stream is and how/why it is used; especially since this is an IMAP prototype stream, something which is almost completely useless except for internal c-client purposes.

A prototype stream is not a stream. The closest analog to a prototype stream would be a factory object or class definition. Internally, a prototype stream is simply a pointer to a static area of constant memory that has the dtb for that driver.

Prototype streams have VERY limited use to API consumers. The primary consumer use is that of a local filesystem format prototype stream as an argument to mail_create() to force the created mailbox to be in that format. However, that use is deprecated in favor of the #driver.???/ prefix; e.g.,
        mail_create (NIL,"#driver.mix/newbox");
is the preferred and more modern way of doing
        mail_create (mail_open (NIL,existingmixmailbox,OP_PROTOTYPE),"newbox");

The prototype stream method is the way to create a new local filesystem mailbox of the same format as an existing local filesystem mailbox, as opposed to a specified format via the #driver.???/ syntax . This is therefore the 99% reason why any API consumer would use a prototype stream.

Your use may be in the remaining 1% (it would have to be, given that it's an IMAP prototype stream), but I suspect that it's really a case of your not understanding what you are doing.

Getting back to the subject at hand; since it is a factory object (or class definition), it is inappropriate to call non-factory methods on it. For most API consumers, other than mail_create() with a local filesystem driver prototype, the remaining uses are power tools for master sorcerers.

mail_close() and mail_close_full() are completely inappropriate methods to use with a prototype stream, even for a master sorcerer. A prototype stream is not a stream, and is not something that can be closed. When you are finished with a prototype stream, you just drop the pointer.

-- Mark --

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep deciding what to eat for lunch.
Liberty is a well-armed sheep contesting the vote.
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