On Jul 30, Johannes Scholz <lgdlub...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> i am wondering whether there are plans to integrate with twisted
> (http://twistedmatrix.com).  Could not find anything on the website
> or in the source.

Well, by itself IMDbPY is just a python package, so you probably
need to search for an IMDbPY-based program that uses Twisted; as
far as I know, none of the programs listed here [1] uses twisted,
but I may be wrong.

Having said that, IMDbPY will probably require a little of effort
to be used in an event-driven and reactor-based environment like
Twisted: most of its calls require a HTTP or SQL DB query, and so
you need to handle them using deferreds (but this is the same for
every blocking and time-consuming call you have to handle in
Twisted, so it should not be too different from a lot of other code).

If you have any idea about how we can ease the integration of
IMDbPY in a Twisted environment, I'll be glad to hear it. :-)

[1] http://imdbpy.sf.net/?page=programs
Davide Alberani <davide.alber...@gmail.com> [GPG KeyID: 0x465BFD47]

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