I've been using IMDbPY as a tool for several months, although I don't know much 
about Python.  I've altered the script search_movie.py to do what I need it to 
do, and it has been working fine for several months.  All of a sudden it is 
failing, returning no movies.  Going back to the original search_movie.py and 
running it with the argument 'Wind', the following is output:

2012-06-08 10:37:29,849 CRITICAL [imdbpy] 
 IMDbDataAccessError exception raised; args: ({'url': 
'http://akas.imdb.com/find?s=tt;mx=20;q=Wind', 'error type': 
'http_error_default', 'errcode': 503, 'headers': <httplib.HTTPMessage instance 
at 0x108713170>, 'proxy': '', 'errmsg': 'Service Temporarily Unavailable'},); 
kwds: {}
Probably you're not connected to Internet.  Complete error report:
{'url': 'http://akas.imdb.com/find?s=tt;mx=20;q=Wind', 'error type': 
'http_error_default', 'errcode': 503, 'headers': <httplib.HTTPMessage instance 
at 0x108713170>, 'proxy': '', 'errmsg': 'Service Temporarily Unavailable'}

Running the url 'http://akas.imdb.com/find?s=tt;mx=20;q=Wind' by hand in my 
browser, returns basically an empty error page.  I looked through the parsing 
code, and it indicates, in a comment, that the url should look something like:
'http://akas.imdb.com/find?q=Wind;s=tt;mx=20'.  This url returns a valid page 
which can be parsed.

Has something changed in IMDb to cause this problem, and is there an easy fix, 
even temporary in nature, that can be applied?



Rick Summerhill
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