Hi all,
as many of you have noticed, since some days the search
feature of the web subsystem of IMDbPY is broken.
This means that no, you can no longer search for movies.

Why is it broken?
Because IMDb changed their web pages.  It happens all the
time, as you can imagine.  See:

Problem is, for a series of good reasons this time I *really* don't
have the time and will to fix these problems.  Not in the next few
days/weeks, anyway.

Other parsers are in the same conditions, but surely they are
less important.

So, honestly, while I'm glad to receive many "the search is broken!"
bug reports, this time I'd really appreciate more some patches. :-)
Luckily, our html parsers are extremely powerful and simple enough
to write (once you've learned the basics).

I can help describing what must be fixed, where and how, but
even if I'll find some time in the next weeks/months, I'd like to
spend it fixing and improving the SQL subsystem, and not the
web parsers.

So, if there are some volunteers, this is a good time to tell us
how you want to help. :-)


PS: please, let's talk about the development only on the imdbpy-devel
list, since imdbpy-help is only for users.

Davide Alberani <davide.alber...@gmail.com>  [PGP KeyID: 0x465BFD47]

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