
I am currently writing a program to try and solve the 'Kevin Bacon' game
using imdbpy.  However, I am encountering an issue with my code, I receive
the following:

morrolan@debianvm ~/KevinBacon $ python KevinBacon.py 'Angelina Jolie'
'Jared Leto' 6

KEVIN BACON SOLVER - Morrolan 2012

Angelina Jolie >> Jared Leto

2012-12-31 20:49:45,086 WARNING [imdbpy.parser.http.urlopener]
Unable to detect the encoding of the retrieved page [latin_1]; falling back
to default latin1.
2012-12-31 20:49:52,248 WARNING [imdbpy.parser.http.urlopener]
Unable to detect the encoding of the retrieved page [latin_1]; falling back
to default latin1.

My code is available on Github at https://github.com/Morrolan/KevinBacon

So far I have been unable to determine what is causing the issue -
previously (in imdbpy 4.9) I had resorted to commenting out the statement
in the imdbpy module, but now that I am using the development build of 5.0
I am encountering it again, so I thought that I would attempt to solve it

Kind Regards,
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