Hello IMDbPY Community!

It is my first e-mail, however I have been following the IMDbPY for some
time ago. First of all, I would to like to thank to the developers for this
georgius tool! Thanks it We could develop the Mapadefilmes.com.br! We are
using the IMDbPy to extract and mount our title list.

Mapadefilmes.com.br it is web application that allow to the user explore
the movie dataset through graph maps! You inform the name of the movie
(original title or in portuguese) or some genre and the application returns
a map of movies and theirs trailers!
It is a beta version but it is working =)

Actually it is just in portuguese, but we would appreciate if you enter in
the page and give your feedback!

Hitch-hiking the topic, in order to get the portuguese titles I needed to
use the HTTP mode instead of the SQL mode connection (what delay the
go-live day some time =) ), anyone knows why the IMDB dont provides these
kind of info in the templates files?

Thank you very much! You guys are the best!

Mapadefilmes, made from to who love cinema!

Danilo Amaral de Oliveira
Engenheiro de Computação
celular (32) 9111 - 6867
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