Hi team,

For a python class, I am trying to sort the IMDb films through different
criteria (such as title types, genre, keywords, plot, etc. - similar to
this page of the IMDb website <https://www.imdb.com/search/title/>) and get
a list of movies that match these criteria. However, I am not quite sure
how to start, could you help? I have downloaded IMDbPy but I am not sure
what to do next.

I saw on different post such as "Retrieving all movies and csv file"
<http://etrieving all movies and csv file> and " Retrieving a List of
Movies in a Given Year"
that it
is possible to retrieve the data without having a specific movie ID or
movie title.

Logically, I would assume that it is easy to query the data
from a database. I have done it on smaller projects with SQL database for
instance, but I am not sure I understand what is the best approach to do
such a task. Is it:
- to store all the movies into a server like AWS and then do the searches
directly from it
- to access directly the database using this README.sqldb.txt
<https://imdbpy.sourceforge.io/docs/README.sqldb.txt> file
Or is there another way?

Are there steps anywhere I can follow? Sorry I am a beginner at all this.

Thank you for your help!

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