>We've got a new complaint about yahoo groups mail rejecting so I went
>looking for the specific reason.
>The REJECT is coming from a line in header_checks.regexp
>Could someone , who's brain is firing on all cylinders , explain this
>regular expression and why it is considered SPAM-ish?
>/^Subject:.*(       |\.\.\.\.\.\.|\. \. \. \. \. \.|\-\-\-\-\-\-|_____)/

because there was period some time ago where spammers would park an ID or 
s/n or tracking way out on the right end of the Subject: line, esp spaces, 
but others were used.

how many legit from sane people have Subject:'s  have 6 or more repeating 

. . . . . .

... Spielberg wannabe's putting special text f/x in their subjects.

as always, if it bothers you, #comment it.


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