Quoting Andy Dorman <ador...@ironicdesign.com>:

Also, the domain admin can also look at the email and if it is really spam, they can quickly shut down the spammer.

Off-topic - I like to know how much spam they would have sent, so when I verify it's spam I redirect their outgoing mail to /dev/null but continue to count the recipients. It blows your mind sometimes...

I also apply the same 'counting' to my entire outgoing queue. I've found that while the per-user limits are helpful, those smarter spammers will just create more accounts. By monitoring the entire mail flow for traffic spikes, I can shut down the entire outgoing queue and remove the abuser(s).

I use qmail, but any SMTP server should work.  Essentially:
1. Route all 'non-verified' users mail from the incoming SMTP server to
2. Route all mail from to
3. runs smtp-delay to 'pause' traffic on
4. Run a cronjob that counts the number of emails in queue on every minute. You will need to tweak both the counts and delay times for your environment (and as you environment scales up). So for example, if you consistently have 20 emails in queue, and spike to 60 under normal operations, set your program to shut the queue down at 70 and alert the admin. You will obviously need staff to manage the alert (if you're swamped with spammers) and/or understanding from your users that this will occur.


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