Zitat von norbi <no...@rocknob.de>:

Am 10.04.2013 11:33, schrieb Jan Schneider:

Zitat von norbi <no...@rocknob.de>:

Zitat von norbi <no...@rocknob.de>:

Hi List,

next day, next problem :(
After upgrading the db-shema for Horde_prefs via the webinterface, horde 5.0.4/imp 6.0.4 dont shows existing identitys.

Its reproducable, in database i can see alls identitys(select * from horde_prefs where pref_uid='n...@domain.tld' and pref_name ='identities'), but horde dont use/listen them. So we have lost in one account about 140 identitys in another one "only" 5! I think it has to do with umlauts in this identitys, like name of Identity "Standardidentität"

any hints ?


You probably change the charset in either your database or the sql configuration while upgrading.

is there a way to repair the defect identities? i cant find any charset changes between the update :(

With a bit of PHP and charset knowledge, probably.

its very strange, we have read the serialized string via php from table that has type "longtext" (horde_prefs ), then after insert this value via php to table who has type "blob" (horde_prefs2) the serialized string is defect and cant be read

can anybody test this ? connection is established with "mysql_set_charset('utf8');"

Sounds like mysql is converting the charset for you on the fly when using a text column. The stored value is still broken though, it just happened to work for you because mysql was smart.
Jan Schneider
The Horde Project

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