Quoting Brent <impu...@bitrealm.com>:

Quoting Michael M Slusarz <slus...@horde.org>:

Quoting Brent <impu...@bitrealm.com>:

Quoting Jan Schneider <j...@horde.org>:

Zitat von Elias Kekakos <ekeka...@elkek.net>:

I want to configure horde to have the emails in status unread until
time that the user wants to change the status to read. Namely I do not
when the user change from mail to mail the status of the mail to

I hope that you can understand what I want
Thanks in advance

This is already implemented. The time it requires to mark a selected
message as seen is not configurable though.

Not to hijack this thread, but I don't see a way to mark/unmark multiple
messages as "seen" or "un-seen" using the checkboxes.

There are 2 locations to do this ... in the "Other" menu and in the
right click context menu.

The option is shown when you select two
messages under "Mark As", but it doesn't do anything.

Works fine here.  Are you sure you are "unmarking" seen if trying to
make it unseen?  (It's the opposite logic of most other flags).


I see now.  Once you have more than one message highlighted, I get a new
right-click option:  "Unmark As".  Not terribly intuitive as the "Mark
As" is still there but doesn't do anything.

Still confused by "doesn't do anything".  Everything works for me.

Example: Select one read and one unread message.  So 2 messages are selected.
How would you select BOTH as seen (or both as unseen) unless you had two options? Once you have multiple messages, you can't have a simple "toggle" button anymore, since the semantics of the button don't make sense when the selected messages are of different flag values.


Michael Slusarz [slus...@horde.org]

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