Quoting Antonio De Maglio <antonio.demag...@isti.cnr.it>:

I have horde 5.2.0 with imp 6.2.

I connect with my IMAP/POP server as pop. When I delete an e-mail I notice
that I always have the same list of e-mail. If I press refresh button (or
logout and login) in horde the mail that I deleted is not in the list.
(Dynamic interface). In Basic interface when I deleted an e-mail the list of
e-mail is empty.  Are  there something of wrong in my config? With imp 6.1 I
had not this problem.  I try with Internet Explorer 11 and with firefox 30
on my pc.

Fixed for 6.2.2.


Michael Slusarz [slus...@horde.org]

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