*Brachycorythis wightii* Summerh.
[image: Brachycorythis wightii Summerh.]

*brak-ee-ko-RYE-this* -- Greek: *brachy* (short) and *corys* (helmet),
referring to the flower shape ... Dave's Botanary
*WIGHT-ee-eye* -- named for Robert Wight, Scottish surgeon and botanist in
India ... Dave's Botanary

*commonly known as*: Wight's brachycorythis, Wight's short-helmet orchid

*botanical names*: *Brachycorythis wightii* Summerh. ... *synonyms*:
wightii* (Summerh.) Szlach. ... POWO
Bibliography / etymology
~~~~~ ENGLISH ~~~~~
*Wight's brachycorythis*

   - The commemorative epithet *wightii* is named in honour of Robert
   Wight, Scottish surgeon and botanist in India
   - or *Wight's brachycoryth orchid* ... Flowering Trees
   by P. K. Valsalakumari

*Wight's short-helmet orchid*

   - Flowers of India
   - The genus name *Brachycorythis* in Greek: *brachy* (*short*) and
   *corys* (*helmet*), referring to the flower shape ... Dave's Botanary

This species is a rare endemic; distributed in the Indian state of Kerala.
Regional name not known; Hopefully, the local folks will provide it a name
- to justify its beauty and rarity !
~~~~~ x ~~~~~

Names compiled / updated at


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