Yes Satish ji,

is n't is nice that you can forget your Profession for a while and think of some other (perhaps pleasent) things.
Thanks for your feedback

Am 20.10.2011 16:29, schrieb Satish Phadke:
Good one...
As Doctor we are more aware of Staghorn calculus in Kidneys rather than the true Stag Horn. This one is another one. Thanks for sharing

On Thu, Oct 20, 2011 at 2:53 PM, Na Bha < <>> wrote:

    Fotos taken in 2009.

    Germanname Essigbaum, Hirschkolbensumach
    Englishname Stanhorn Sumac

    The Name suggests:  google translator says: the strong, brown and
    hairy tomentose young shoots, reminiscent of an overgrown deer
    antlers in velvet.

    Hope you understand.

    This spring our neighbours cut down their tree but the seeds
    spread all oven in their as well as in our garden. And it was a
    lot of work to pull out the yound shoots. Some young plants that
    we could not reach habe grown up now to one meter in both gardens.
    Perhaps in a couple of years we may have to cut down four trees,
    and then if the process repeates .......


Dr Satish Phadke

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