This is an important medicinal plant.  Please read the interesting and
useful   article by Mrs. Sheila Rani Chunkat  on its importance for
the preparation of 'bhringaraja' oil  and other medicinal uses in
Ayurveda.  The link is provided below.
Extract from the article:
Karisalankanni, as it is known in Tamil (bhringaraj - Sanskrit), is
one of the 10 auspicious herbs of the Dasapuspam group (10 flowers).
There are three varieties of bhringarajah - blue, white and yellow.
The Latin name for both the blue and the white varieties is Eclipta
prostrata (earlier called Eclipta alba). The Tamil name is
karasalankanni. The white variety grows wild and is easily available.
The blue variety is rare and found on hilly slopes. The Latin name for
the yellow variety is Wedelia chinensis (also sometimes known as
Wedelia calendulacea) and is called manjal karisalankanni in Tamil.
The yellow variety is not easily available in the wild and is
generally grown in homes. The three varieties of karisalankanni belong
to the same family - Asteraceae.

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