Nice caption and information too. Thank you for sharing such a
beautiful *Caralluma

On Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 10:07 AM, Prabhu kumar KM

> Dear all,
> This is *Carlluma diffusa *(Wight) N. E. Brown, collected from Tamil
> Nadu.
> *Caralluma* R.Br.,
> *Caralluma* named from the Arabian 'qarh alluhum', a flesh wound or
> abscess; for the floral odour of some species (Keith Bensusan, 2009). *C.
> indica* flower with rotten fungus like odour is the best example for
> this. The genus *Caralluma* is mainly paleotropical in its distribution
> and is the most widely distributed group among the stapeliads, from the
> Canary Islands in Macaronesia to the Indian subcontinent (Bruyns et al.
> 2010). The subtribe Stapeliinae G. Don. belongs to the tribe Ceropegieae
> Decne ex Orb. of the subfamily Asclepiadoideae R. Br. ex Burnett (Endress &
> Bruyns 2000, Meve & Liede 2004). This subfamily has traditionally been
> treated as a family Asclepiadaceae, but molecular evidence has demonstrated
> that the group, monophyletic though it is, is ested within the Apocynaceae
> Juss. (A.P.G. 2009.)
> Stem fleshy; branches ascending, 4-angled, nearly of equal thickness
> throughout the branches; internodes glabrous. Leaves absent, leaf scars
> present, with appendage-like growth at nodes on angled portion. Flowers in
> terminal umbellate cymes, many-flowered; bracts triangular, acute at apex,
> glabrous; pedicels terete, glabrous. Calyx 5-lobed, divided up to base;
> lobes lanceolate, acute at apex, glabrous. Corolla campanulate, lobes 5,
> ovate, acute at apex, ciliate at margin only, otherwise glabrous. Corona
> biseriate; the outer annular, arising from base of stamens, closely intact;
> lobes with two horn like appendages widely separated from each other; the
> inner variable, linear, arising from inner side of outer corona,
> overlapping anther-lobes. Stamens 5, pollinia 5, pollen masses solitary in
> each anther cell, yellow, waxy with pellucid layer attached by light brown
> caudicles. Follicles up 10-15 cm in long.
> Type: India: Madras Presidency; Coimbatore District, arid rocky mountains
> near Coimbatore at 600m elevation.
> Flowering & Fruiting : Throughout the year.
> --
> *Prabhu Kumar K M*
> Scientist
> Plant Systematics & Genetic Resources Division
> Centre for Medicinal Plant Research (CMPR)
> & 'CMPR' Herbarium
> Kottakkal Arya Vaidya Sala
> Kottakkal, Malappuram
> *E-mail:*

Mr. Mayur D. Nandikar,
Research Student,
Department of Botany,
Shivaji University,

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