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The Independent [UK]
Friday, August 27, 1999


THE UNITED Nations is pressing on with plans for Monday's independence
referendum in East Timor, despite a day of murderous violence in the capital,
Dili, in which at least three people were killed and dozens of others injured
in street battles between rampaging militias and the supporters of self-

Witnesses said at least one man was shot dead through the back of the neck at
close range by Indonesian police, who appeared unable or unwilling to prevent
the outbreaks of violence. One cameraman was shot and injured and Western
journalists were forced to evacuate a hotel in Dili after militiamen rampaged
through it, smashing windows and waving rifles and pistols.

The violence throws into jeopardy the referendum, in which East Timorese will
be asked to choose between autonomy under the rule of Jakarta or complete
independence after 23 years of often brutal Indonesian control.

But last night, officials of Unamet, the UN Assistance Mission in East Timor,
were insisting that the violence was isolated and spontaneous, and that the
referendum would not be called off. "We are going ahead with our plans for
the ballot on Monday," David Wimhurst, the Unamet spokesman, said last night.
"This violence will have a very negative effect and people will call for UN
peace-keepers and for beefed up security. But we are locked into the process,
and we also have a moral obligation to allow the people of East Timor to
vote. If we give in to thuggery, then democracy falls. That cannot be allowed
to happen."

Ever since January, when the Indonesian president, B J Habibie, raised the
possibility of East Timorese independence, there has been intermittent
violence in the territory, almost all of it the work of the pro-Jakarta
militias. The UN, foreign diplomats and international observers have been
unanimous in their conclusion that the gangs are supported and, in some
cases, armed and orchestrated by senior elements in the Indonesian military
in an attempt to sabotage a free and fair referendum.

Yesterday's violence began after a big pro-Indonesia rally attended by
several thousand people in Dili's sports stadium. All morning buses and
trucks drove around the town, filled with banner-waving youths wearing
pro-Jakarta T-shirts. Some participants in the demonstration, however, said
that they were only taking part to protect themselves and their families from
intimidation by militia members. "The militias came and said, `Do you want
independence?'" Santino Dar Matias said. "When we said yes, they said, `If
you vote for independence, we will kill you'."

At lunchtime, a fight broke out in the eastern part of Dili, where militia
members brandishing home-made pipe guns and automatic rifles set fire to a
house owned by independence supporters.

Within a few hours, at least two men had been shot dead, and there were
unconfirmed reports of as many as four other killings in other parts of the
town. Last night, the mother and wife of one of the dead men, Virgilio Da
Costa Rodriguez, were weeping over his body in Motael Clinic, Dili. He was
aged 27 and had become a husband only three days earlier.

An Indonesian cameraman working for Reuters news agency was injured after
being shot in the leg, and 30 other journalists were forced to move out of
the Hotel Dili after militia men ran through it, waving guns on their way to
attack the offices of the National Council for Timorese Resistance, the
independence organisation.

The hotel's Australian owner, Gino Favaro, has already moved out his family
three times this year after previous death threats. "I saw 15 pistols today,
and they were police issue, not the home-made kind," he said. "I was here in
1975 [the year of the Indonesian invasion], but it wasn't as bad as this."

UN staff returned to their accommodation last night in a guarded convoy.
Unamet has 271 international police officers in East Timor, but under its
mandate they are unarmed and are able to act only in an advisory capacity to
the Indonesian police, who are responsible for all security. "The Indonesian
police need to sit down and analyse why they were unable or unwilling to
control events today," Mr Wimhurst said.

According to Unamet, other parts of East Timor were peaceful yesterday,
although the past few weeks have seen high levels of militia activity,
especially in areas close to the border with West Timor, the undisputed
Indonesian half of the island.

In the town of Maliana, UN staff received reports of militia attacks planned
for today and for the night after Monday's vote. But Unamet officials say
that yesterday's events appeared to be a spontaneous rampage, rather than a
pre-meditated attack intended to disrupt the referendum. "Is this what we
expect on polling day? The answer is clearly no," Mr Wimhurst added.

Didistribusikan tgl. 27 Aug 1999 jam 06:42:47 GMT+1
oleh: Indonesia Daily News Online <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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