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The Age [Melbourne]
Saturday, August 28, 1999

Age photographer escapes stab attack


Age photographer Jason South (photo taken by Jason South) was attacked by a
pro-Jakarta militiaman brandishing a knife during the outbreak of violence in
the East Timor capital, Dili, yesterday.

But South escaped injury when the attacker hesitated as he pulled the knife
while Indonesian police tried to calm a group of anti-independence militiamen
involved in yesterday's rampage.

South said a policeman grabbed the attacker's arm when the knife was only
centimetres from him. South also grabbed the man.

Other militia then joined the attack, with one lashing-out at South with a
judo-style kick.

A police officer then pulled South away from the attackers.

Seconds earlier the man appeared to be trying to pull another weapon,
possibly a gun, from a bag he was wearing around his waist.

South said the man was screaming threats and shouting: ``Bald journalist.''

The incident happened amid an outbreak of violence in the town four days
before the UN-supervised ballot to decide East Timor's future.

Hundreds of heavily armed militiamen started attacking pro-independence
supporters after a pro-integration rally at a Dili sportsground. Up to 11
people were killed and many injured.

UN officials and police said the violence erupted when militiamen saw a
photograph of the detained pro-independence leader, Mr Jose ``Xanana''
Gusmao, in the window of a house in an area known to be a stronghold for
independence supporters.

One of the men involved in the attack had threatened South on 10May during an
earlier militia rampage.

About the same time South was attacked, other militiamen opened fire on
several groups of foreign journalists in Dili.

Several cameraman were bashed and others hurt when hit by rocks and stones.
No foreign media person was killed.

The Australian Foreign Minister, Mr Alexander Downer, said the Federal
Government could not guarantee the safety of Australian journalists covering
the historic autonomy ballot in East Timor. ``We've made it perfectly clear
that visiting East Timor at this very sensitive time is dangerous and ...
that journalists are at particular risk,'' he told ABC radio. ``There is
particular feeling among the pro-integrationists towards foreign journalists,
towards journalists in general, because of the widespread reporting of
various activities.''

Didistribusikan tgl. 27 Aug 1999 jam 21:55:19 GMT+1
oleh: Indonesia Daily News Online <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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