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ANTARA, Aug 28 1999

Autonomy ballot: UNAMET Uses Double Standards In Accrediting

Lisbon, Aug 28 (ANTARA)-The UN Mission in East Timor (UNAMET) has
been practising doubles standards in giving accreditation to
groups who want to observe Monday's autonomy ballot in East Timor,
a source from the Portuguese parliament here said late Friday.

"The UNAMET has (been practising) double standards in deciding the
status of non-governmental organizations (appling as) observers.
It is easy for some Portuguese diplomats and government officials
to get accreditation but difficult for those from Indonesia," the
source said.

The UNAMET has refused applications from some Indonesian NGOs
because some of their members are still working as government
officials or are related to the Indonesian government, he said.
"It would be better for the UNAMET to provide accreditation to all
NGOs who want to observe the ballot," he said.

On the extension of the stay of the UNAMET during the post-ballot
period in East Timor, Wimhurst said the UN Security Council has
agreed to plan.

He said the council also increased the numbers of UN civilian
police to 460 and military liaison officers to 300.

The UN Security Council, he said, has reiterated that the
Indonesian government is responsible for peace and security in
East Timor during the ballot the set to be held on Monday (Aug


Didistribusikan tgl. 3 Sep 1999 jam 09:12:09 GMT+1
oleh: Indonesia Daily News Online <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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