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Dear All,

Please, find below the official English translation [from its original
Portuguese] of the Statement issued by the President of the CNRT, Xanana
Gusmao, after hearing the results of the consultation.

The statement in English was read by Plinio do Rosario Gusmao dos Reis
Martins, President Xanana's nephew in front of the prison house at about
9:30 am (Jkt time).

At about 8:20 am (Jkt time), Xanana Gusmao was unexpectedly taken from his
prison-house to Salemba prison by prison officials. He was told that he was
been taken there for reasons of personal security as he was "under threat" .

We were able to establish telephone contact with President Xanana and make
sure that he was well. Guarantees have already been given that he would be
transfered back to the prison-house as soon as the Indonesian authorities
were satisfied with the level of security at the prison-house. Please, do
refrain from alarmist reporting as this could cause a wave of panic in the

At this point, we do not anticipate that Xanana Gusmao will make any
further comment. Should you have any question, please, do not hesitate to
contact me.

Best wishes,

Support Office to the CNRT President

CNRT   Timor-Leste=20
xanana gusm=E3o


August 30th, 1999 will remain engraved in golden letters in the history of
the small but heroic People of Timor Loro Sa'e!

August 30th, 1999 will be eternally remembered as the day of National

The extraordinary success of August 30th was a success of the Maubere
People, a success of the elderly, the adults and children of East Timor! But
we must share this success with all the peace and progress loving peoples,
the representatives of which have come from all corners of the world to
witness this act of faith, courage and determination of the East Timorese.

The result of the consultation speaks for itself. The People of East Timor,
revealed to the world the illegal nature of the integration process, in a
categorical and unquestionable manner. The patriotic spirit of the Maubere
People is centuries old, a spirit pervading from generation to generation,
and no force was ever able to reduce that which is a part of the Timorese
soul, of its tradition, of its very nature.

The history of the past 23 years has largely demonstrated that between
losing their lives and losing their homeland, the Maubere People opted for
the first.  And this sacrifice of more than 250 000 lives was not in vain.

In spite of all that Indonesia could do to Tim Tim, between freedom and
material advantages, the Maubere People chose freedom.

Today could have been a happy day, a day of celebrations. But today,
violence is the rule imposed on the defenceless population forced to witness
their homes being burnt to the ground, the looting of their possessions,
left to mourn their dead and care for the wounded.

Respect for the lives of the people, for human values, for the principles
that ruled the behaviour, the intentions and objectives of a part of the
Timorese society has been lost.

To what degree is this tolerable? When are the Timorese politicians going to
realise that they are tainting themselves with the blood of the population
they claim to be defending?

The offer of amnesty cannot be understood as an encouragement to criminal
acts that already exceed the limits of tolerance.

I appeal yet again to all the leaders to try to contribute to put an end to
violence. It is not the pro-autonomy, nor is it the pro-independence side
who have won or lost. Our People are the winners, and all of us have won.

Let us, leaders, heed the lesson of democracy our People has given us. Let
us learn to love peace to put an end to the suffering of our People.

National reconciliation must continue with a new spirit of brotherhood and
renewed energy for the construction of peace, between ourselves, in every
home, village, area, in every district and throughout our beloved East=

I urge all to arm themselves with the necessary courage to overcome their
fear, their preoccupations, and above all recover their dignity by breaking
the ties with those who are attempting to divide the East Timorese and
destroy our people.

Let us free ourselves from TNI and the influence of the pro-status quo
Indonesian political forces in Indonesia itself, which resist change.

These are the forces which, together with the Indonesian Armed Forces, are
financing and commanding the criminal activities in East Timor.

I wish to make it clear that the Indonesian government has not abided by its
obligations as stipulated in the May 5th Agreement.

Fifteen thousand TNI soldiers and eight thousand POLRIs are in East Timor
under the orders of BAIS and under the command of the two thousand KOPASSUS
agents already infiltrated in civilian clothes in the territory.

At the end of the day, Wiranto is not the head of the military. Either
Wiranto is not able to control his men, or he does not want to. What is
happening is a clear indication that Wiranto does not want peace and
stability in East Timor.

And we foresee chaos. We foresee a new genocide in East Timor. We foresee
total destruction in a desperate and last attempt by the Indonesian generals
and politicians maybe as well to deny the People of East Timor their=

I call on the international community to save the Maubere People with the
immediate dispatch of an international force to impose peace in East Timor.

It will not be a civil war in the strict sense of the term; BAIS and
KOPASSUS will force the Timorese to kill their brothers. KOPASSUS members
are the ones who most shoot at the population, along with the Police,
amongst which KOPASSUS members are operating.

We deem any form of military intervention necessary and urgent from now on.

Considerations on Indonesian sovereignty over East Timor are no longer
acceptable as this so-called sovereignty comes to an end today, with the
announcement of the results of the referendum.

The New York May 5th Agreement invokes all the relevant UN Security Council
and General Assembly Resolutions on East Timor, which denies any validity to
the integration, presupposes the illegality of the process and the
illegitimacy of the Indonesian presence in East Timor.

The spirit of the May 5th Agreement is the defence of the inalienable right
of the Timorese People to self-determination.

The act of self-determination took place on August 30th. Its results were
announced today. Today, the illegality of the Indonesian political and
military presence in East Timor was reaffirmed.

The referendum result is a fait accompli, in the light of International Law,
of Universal Principles and of the United Nations' Charter.

The position the next MPR will adopt is an Indonesian domestic issue, which
was taken into account in the Agreement, but not as a ruling bearing any
influence on the result of the consultation as it cannot invalidate it.

Because Indonesia violated the terms of the Agreement on the issue of
security, what the international community must stress is, in a process of
international dimensions such as this referendum, the domestic
constitutional dimension in Indonesia cannot serve as a justification to
allow a new blood bath which TNI and POLRI both are ready carry out.

The arrogance of Indonesia must not shake the international community's
resolve in taking immediate measures to prevent destruction, chaos and death
in East Timor.

I appeal to the Secretary General of the United Nations to convene an
emergency meeting of the UN Security Council to decide on the sending of a
Multinational Force to save the Maubere People from a new genocide!

Kay Rala Xanana Gusm=E3o
President of the CNRT

Salemba, 4 September 1999

SiaR WEBSITE: http://apchr.murdoch.edu.au/minihub/siarlist/maillist.html

Didistribusikan tgl. 5 Sep 1999 jam 01:20:28 GMT+1
oleh: Indonesia Daily News Online <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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