The 4th International Conference on Data Intelligence and Security (ICDIS-2022)

August 24 - 26,  2022, Shenzhen, China


Aim and Scope

Data intelligence and data security are two closely related views. In the era 
of big data, both data intelligence and data security are very important, and 
present constant challenges for both academia and industry. Those challenges 
bring with great opportunities for innovative ideas, tools and technologies.


The 4th International Conference on Data Intelligence and Security (ICDIS-2022) 
aims to: (1) provide a unique forum where data intelligence and data security 
are all involved; (2) provide a forum for researchers, experts, professionals 
and stakeholders in related fields to disseminate their recent advances and 
share their views on future perspectives.



The topics of ICDIS-2022 include two aspects. First, contributions on data 
intelligence in security and privacy are welcome, including works on how to 
learn from data and how to intelligently process data for security and privacy 
applications. Second, contributions on security and privacy in data 
intelligence are always within the scope of the conference, including works on 
making data intelligence models secure and trused.


Particularly, the topics of interest include but are not limited to:

1. Data intelligence in security and privacy

- Intrusion detection

- Anomaly detection

- Fraud detection

- Defense against Malicious codes

- Defense against denial of service attacks

- Network security

- System security

- Biometrics

- Deep learning

- Unsupervised learning and clustering

- Supervised learning and classification

- Reinforcement learning

- Data mining

- Robust and dyanmic optimtization

- Visualization and analysis

- Immune computation


2. Security and privacy in data intelligence

- Federated learning

- Swarm learning

- Poisoning attack and defense

- Evasion attacks and defense

- Adversarial examples

- Model inversion

- AI backdoors

- Membership inference attacks

- Digital watermarking for AI models

- Privacy-preserving machine learning

- Privacy-preserving data mining

- Privacy-preserving data publishing

- Secure model processing platforms

- Security and privacy in social networks

- Interpretability of machine learning models for secure machine learning

- Secure machine learning

- Secure cloud computing

- Secure multi-party computation

- Data privacy

- Sensitive data collection

- AI fariness

- AI trust

- AI ethics

- Blockchain




Submitted articles must not have been previously published or currently 
submitted for conference/journal publication elsewhere. Please submit your 
paper at:



Please use the IEEE style files for conference proceedings as a template for 
your submission. Accepted papers will be published in IEEE Xplore. Selected 
best papers will be recommended to Journals for further consideration.


Important Dates

====== The first round ======

- Paper Submission Deadline: Feburary 28, 2022

- Notification to Authors (Accept/Reject): April 15, 2022

- Deadline for camera-ready copies: May 15, 2022


====== The second round ======

- Paper Submission Deadline: April 15, 2022

- Notification to Authors (Accept/Reject): June 1, 2022

- Deadline for camera-ready copies: July 1, 2022


- Deadline for Special Session Proposals: March 15, 2022

- Conference date: August 24- 26, 2022



Yang Liu, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China

Email:, Tel: 0086-0755-26416570

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