On 10 Jun 2011, at 15:14, Galder Zamarreño wrote:

>> Hi Galder, I'm not sure to what you're referring to. I was not
>> proposing to change anything on the reader side, just - if possible as
>> I don't know this code - to try not sending anything if we fail to
>> build a proper stream (instead of sending a broken stream). That is of
>> course feasible only if you've not started transmitting already.
> That doesn't work for state based streams, such as state transfer or 
> rehashing. You can't just wait to build the entire stream and then send it.
> The error we're seeing here is precisely in one those use cases.
> In pretty much the rest of marshalling cases, we build the stream and then we 
> send it.

Precisely; there are 2 types of streams, one which generates a byte buffer 
(RPCs and Hot Rod, etc) for which the server side does not send 
incomplete/erroneous streams.

The other is for state transfer which opens a stream on a network socket and 
starts pushing bytes out.  In this case the sender could die and generate a 
problem on the receiver.

Galder, your approach (catching this and printing an appropriate, cleaned-up 
message) is the best one.  Have you got a JIRA for this?  I'm guessing this 
would be pretty easy to impl.


Manik Surtani

Lead, Infinispan

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