On 9 Jan 2012, at 13:56, Manik Surtani wrote:

> On 9 Jan 2012, at 11:43, Mircea Markus wrote:
>> On 9 Jan 2012, at 13:36, Manik Surtani wrote:
>>> On 9 Jan 2012, at 10:50, Mircea Markus wrote:
>>>> On 7 Jan 2012, at 18:57, Manik Surtani wrote:
>>>>> After spending some hours on ISPN-1284, I think we have a few conceptual 
>>>>> problems with using Synchronizations.
>>>>> Here is the topic branch containing my work:
>>>>> https://github.com/maniksurtani/infinispan/tree/t_1284
>>>>> So far what I have done is:
>>>>> * Changed defaults
>>>>> * Changed config validations to emit a warning and disable 
>>>>> synchronisations if recovery is enabled
>>>>> * Update some tests that rely on XA to specifically set synchronisations 
>>>>> to false
>>>>> But there are still some issues, and what specifically worry me is 
>>>>> behaviour demonstrated by these two test failures:
>>>>>   testModsCommit(org.infinispan.lock.StaleEagerLocksOnPrepareFailureTest)
>>>>> testNoModsCommit(org.infinispan.lock.StaleEagerLocksOnPrepareFailureTest)
>>>>> They both attempt to abort a transaction by throwing an exception during 
>>>>> prepare.  Now since we use Synchronizations by default, these failures do 
>>>>> *not* abort the transaction since it is only seen by the 
>>>>> SynchronizationAdapter in afterCommit().  Where does this stand, 
>>>>> conceptually?  With optimistic transactions, locks may not be able to be 
>>>>> acquired at prepare-time.  These transactions should fail.
>>>> With pessimistic transactions, the first phase of 2PC is skipped: that is 
>>>> because locks are acquired and modifications propagated at this stage. So 
>>>> beforeCompletion doesn't do anything. 
>>>> However in the case of optimistic transactions the prepare happens during 
>>>> beforeCompletion and it would fail causing the tx to roll back.
>>> So Synchronizations and pessimistic locking are incompatible?  :)
>> Well this is very similar to what happens in the case of optimistic locking 
>> when the  CommitCommand cannot be broadcasted: the transaction silently 
>> fails.
> Then the tests need to be re-written in this case, if we make 
> synchronisations a default? :)
yes. Do you need help with that?

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