Forgot to answer the initial question: we do have integration tests
that use uber jars:


We don't have a Java 9 build in Jenkins ATM, but they ran fine with
jdk9-ea-164 on my machine.


On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 7:03 PM, Dan Berindei <> wrote:
> If it's just private packages, then we won't have to change the API ;)
> Personally I'm more worried about how our externalizers for JDK
> classes are going to work: it's going to be hard to say we support
> Java 9 and at the same time ask users to add a bunch of --add-opens
> [1] to their JVM arguments. I stopped updating the POM comment at some
> point, but most other requirements for access to private JDK fields
> seem to come from WildFly/Pax Exam.
> [1]:
> Cheers
> Dan
> On Thu, May 4, 2017 at 6:50 PM, Sanne Grinovero <> wrote:
>> N.B. one problem many are not aware of is that - unlike with OSGi -
>> the restriction in Jigsaw also applies to private packages, e.g.
>> packages you're using within the jar but have no intention to "export"
>> make public.
>> So having this sorted out for OSGi doesn't mean that it will work fine
>> with Jigsaw.
>> I suspect we didn't test this, as far as I know we've only tested
>> running and compiling withing JDK9 but Infinispan itself is not
>> defining module descriptors; i.e. it's not modularized.
>> It's very likely that when we'll want to "modularize it" we'll have to
>> change APIs.
>> Thanks,
>> Sanne
>> On 4 May 2017 at 07:26, Galder Zamarreño <> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> As you might already know, there's been big debates about upcoming Java 9 
>>> module system.
>>> Recently Stephen Colebourne, creator Joda time, posted his thoughts [1].
>>> Stephen mentions some potential problems with all jars since no two modules 
>>> should have same package. We know from past experience that using these 
>>> jars as dependencies in Maven create all sorts of problems, but with the 
>>> new JPMS they might not even work?
>>> Have we tried all jars in Java 9? I'm wondering whether Stephen's problems 
>>> with all jars are truly founded since Java offers no publishing itself. I 
>>> mean, for that Stephen mentions to appear, you'd have to at runtime have an 
>>> all jar and then individual jars, in which case it would fail. But as long 
>>> as Maven does not enforce this in their repos, I think it's fine. If Maven 
>>> starts enforcing this in the jars that are stored in Maven repos then yeah, 
>>> we have a big problem.
>>> Thoughts?
>>> Cheers,
>>> [1]
>>> --
>>> Galder Zamarreño
>>> Infinispan, Red Hat
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