On Fri, Jun 16, 2017 at 1:07 PM, Galder Zamarreño <gal...@redhat.com> wrote:
> --
> Galder Zamarreño
> Infinispan, Red Hat
>> On 15 Jun 2017, at 15:25, Adrian Nistor <anis...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> Galder, I've seen AddProtobufTask in March or April when you mentioned this 
>> issue on the devlist; that approach can work for protostream marshallers or 
>> any other code bits that the Cache does not depend on during startup, and 
>> which can be deployed anytime later. In this category we currently have : 
>> filters, converters. These are currently deployed with the help of a 
>> DeploymentUnitProcessor, but we could have done it using a ServerTask as 
>> well.
> ^ I'm not sure we had ServerTasks in place when we had filters and 
> converters... But if we had server tasks then, we should have used that path. 
> My bad if we didn't do it :\
>> Now that we took the route of DUP, I think we should continue in a 
>> consistent manner and use it for other 'deployables' we identify from now 
>> on, ie. the protobuf entity marshallers.
> ^ Having written DUPs, I consider them to be a royal PITA. So, I'm against 
> that.
>> As for encoders, lucene analyzers, compatibility marshaller, event 
>> marshaller - these are all needed during cache startup. We need to come up 
>> with something for these, so I propose to look them up using the 
>> "moduleId:slot:className" convention.
> As I see it, encoders/compatibility-marshaller/event-marshaller might not be 
> needed on startup. If data is kept in binary and only deserialized lazily 
> when needed, you only need them when you're going to do what you need...

What if you start a node and a client immediately tries to register an
even listener?

Not sure about the others, but for the lucene analyzers, I assume some
configurations will have to analyze/index entries that we receive via
state transfer during startup.


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